Complete Otosclerosis ENT 2013, 2016, 2019
- 1. Anatomy of labyrinth.
- 2. Epidemiology :
- 3. Pathogenesis of Otosclerosis
- 4. Phases of Otosclerosis
- 5. Most common sites of involvement:
- 6. Etiology :
- 7. Otomicroscopy :
- 8. Tuning Fork Tests
- 9. Audiometry :
- 10. Tympanometry :
- 11. Acoustic Reflex :
- 12. Imaging :
- 13. Fenestral Otosclerosis :
- 14. Cochlear Otosclerosis :
- 15. Differential Diagnosis :
- 16. Treatment Of Otosclerosis
- 17. Sodium Flouride
- 18. Surgery for Otosclerosis
- 19. Informed Consent
- 20. Anesthesia :
- 21. Canal Wall Injection :
- 22. Curettage of Scutum
- 23. Middle Ear Exammination :
- 24. Separation of Incudostapedial Joint
- 25. Stapedotomy :
- 26. Lasers :
- 27. Connective Tissue Seal :
- 28. Site of Fenestration :
- 29. Post Operative Care :
- 30. Intraoperative Complications :
- 31. Postoperative Complications :
- 32. Tears in Tympanomeatal Flap :
- 33. Subluxation of Incus :
- 34. Overhanging Facial Nerve :
- 35. Obliterative Otosclerosis of Oval Window :
- 36. Otosclerosis Involving the Round Window :
- 37. Persistent Stapedial Artery :
- 38. Floating Footplate :
- 39. Perilymphatic Fistula :
- 40. Diagnosis :
- 41. Facial Nerve Injury :
- 42. Chorda Tympani Dysfunction :
- 43. Post operative Vertigo :
- 44. Post opretive conduction Hearing Loss :
- 45. Post Operative Sensorineural Hearing Loss :
- 46. Reparative Granuloma :
Otosclerosis is a condition where one or more foci of irregularly laid spongy bone replace part of normally dense enchondral layer of bony otic capsule in the bony labyrinth. This is one of the most common question in DNB ENT THeory and OSCE,We will start with anatomy and then go for clinical findings and treatment options.
Questions on Otosclerosis – Discuss in brief the aetiopathogenesis of otosclerosis. Describe in brief the management of otosclerosis with special reference to “Revision Surgery”.Q-Clinical features and audiological eligibility for surgery. Define Otospongiosis, its clinical features, surgical treatment and its complications. Q- a) Describe histopathology & genetic basis for Otosclerosis. Clinical, audiological & radiological diagnosis of Otosclerosis. Surgical challenges in Stapes surgery. Describe the various options to make fenestra during stapes surgery and various prostheses being used with the method of placement. (4+4+2) Dec 2013, Dec 2016, Dec 2018, Dec 2019, June 2019
Anatomy of labyrinth.
- Otic capsule
- Otic labyrinth
- Periotic labyrinth

Otic Capsule
- It is the bony labyrinth
- Ossifies from 14 centres
- First one > region of cochlea >16 weeks
- Last one > posterolateral part of posterior semicircular canal > 20 weeks
- It has three layers:
- Endosteal
- Enchondral
- Periosteal
- Endosteal layer : Innermost layer.It lines the bony labyrinth
- Enchondral layer : Develops from cartilage and later ossifies into bone(ENCHONDRAL LAYER :some islands of cartilage left unossified & give rise to otosclerosis).
- Periosteal : Covers the bony labyrinth
- Periotic / Peilymphatic Labylinth : It surrounds the otic labyrinth and is filled with perilymph. It includes vestibule,scala tympani,scala vestibuli,perilymphaticr space of semicircular canals and the periotic duct.
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