What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014

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What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 1What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 3Laryngeal Electromyography (LEMG):

  • Evaluates integrity of laryngeal neuromuscular system in by recording action potentials generated in laryngeal muscles during voluntary and involuntary contraction.
  • Most effective between 1-6 months post onset of paralysis.

Tests 3 laryngeal muscles:

  1. ThyroArtyenoid (TA):
    • Evaluation  of RLN .
    • Needle placement is confirmed by vocalisation .
  2. Postereior CricoArytenoid (PCA):
    • Evaluation  of RLN.
    • Needle placement is confirmed by sniffing.
  3. CricoThyroid (CT):
    • Evaluation  of SLN.
    • Needle placement is confirmed by glide from one pitch to another.

Indications of LEMG:

  1. Neuropathy vs. Mechanical Fixation in immobile VF:
    • Vocal  fold Paralysis:
      • EMG findings of Neuropathy.
    • CricoArytenoid Fixation:
      • Normal EMG findings.
  2. Localization of lesion (SLN vs RLN):
    • CricoThyroid for SLN Paralysis
    • ThyroArtyenoid for RLN Paralysis
  3. Prognosis of Vocal fold Paralysis:
    • Good Prognosis:
      • Presence of Motor-Unit Potentials.
    • Poor Prognosis:
      • Absence of Motor-Unit Potentials.
      • Fibrillation Potentials
  4. Detects Synkinesis:
    • When ThyroArtyenoid activated by Sniffing or Postereior CricoArytenoid activated by vocalisation.
  5. Confirm placement of needle for Botox injections.
  6. Intra-op nerve monitoring.
  7. Biofeedback in speech and swallowing disorders.
What is Laryngeal Electromyography

Interpretation of Laryngeal Electromyography :

  1. Normal LEMG:
    • Bi or Triphasic Motor-Unit Potentials.
    • Seen in patients with CricoArytenoid Fixation.
  2. Neuropathy:
    • Fibrillation Potentials:
      • Abnormal spontaneous activity at rest.
      • Due to ongoing axonal degenerat ion .
      • Starts after 3 weeks of injury.
      • Persist until Re-innervation occurs or until the motor endplates of the muscle degenerate (Myopathic injury ) .
    • Sharp waves:
      • Lower Frequency
      • Normal Amplitude
  3. Muscle Re-innervation after Neuropathic injury:
    • Polyp hasic Potentials
      • > 4 phases.
      • Due to Not well synchronized muscle fibers.
  4. Myopathy:
    • Decreased functioning muscle fibers.
      • Polyphasic .
      • Low Amplitude .
      • Low Duration

Laryngeal Electromyography Graphs and Findings

Laryngeal Electromyography graphs
Laryngeal Electromyography
Classification of Laryngeal Electromyography findings
Laryngeal Electromyography
What is Laryngeal Electromyography
Laryngeal Electromyography-Guided Hyaluronic Acid Vocal Fold Injection Procedure

Laryngeal Muscles:

Extrinsic Muscles:

  • Attach Larynx to adjacent structures.
    • Elevators:
      • Primary Elevators:
        • Act directy as they are attached to Thyroid cartilage:
          • 1. ThyroHyoid (C1)
          • 2. StyloPharyngeus (CN-IX)
          • 3. PalatoPharyngeus (CN-X)
          • 4. SalpingPharyngeus (CN-X)
      • Secondary Elevators:
        • Act directly as they are attached to Hyoid bone:
          • 1. GenioHyoid (C1)
          • 2. Mylohyoid (CN-V3)
          • 3. Digastric:
            • Ant. belly (CN-V3)
            • Post. belly (CN_VII)
          • 4. StyloHyoid (CN-VII)
    • Depressors:
      • Infra-Hyoid Muscles (Strap):
        • 1. ThyroHyoid (C1)
        • 2. OrnoHyoid (C1-C3)
        • 3. SternoTyroid (C1-C3)
        • 4. SternoHyoid (C1-C3)
What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 9
  • Intrinsic Muscles:
    • Attach laryngeal cartilages to each other.
    • Act on vocal cords.
      • ADDucters (Close Rima Glottidis):
        • 1. Lateral CricoArytenoid:
          • Origin -> Lateral Cricoid Arch
          • Insertion -> Muscular process of Arytenoid
          • Nerve Supply -> (RLN)
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What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 13
  • 2. InterArytenoid:
    • Only single intrinsic laryngeal Muscle.
    • Only Muscle receive bilateral nerve supply.
    • Origin -> Muscular process of Arytenoid
    • Insertion -> Muscular process of other Arytenoid
    • Nerve Supply -> (Bilateral RLN)
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What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 17
  • 3. ThyroArytenoid (External Part):
    • Origin -> Inner surface of Thyroid angle.
    • Insertion -> Vocal process of Arytenoid
    • Nerve Supply -> (RLN)
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What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 21
  • ABDuctor ( Open Rima Glottidis ):
    • 1.Posterior CricoArytenoid:
      • Only ABDuctor muscle.
      • Origin -> Posterior Cricoid Lamina
      • Insertion -> Muscular process o0f Arytenoid
      • Nerve Supply -> (RLN)
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What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 25
  • Tensors:
    • 1. CricoThyroid:
      • Cheif pitch-changing muscle.
      • Only muscle seen on outside of Larynx.
      • Only muscle supplied by External SLN.
      • Origin -> Arch of Cricoid
      • Insertion -> Inferior horn and Lamina of Thyroid cartilage.
      • Nerve Supply -> (External SLN)
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What is Laryngeal Electromyography (5+5) June 2014 29
  • 2. Vocalis (Internal Part of ThyroArytenoid):
    • Origin -> Inner surface of Thyroid angle.
    • Insertion ->Vocal process of Arytenoid
    • Nerve Supply ->(RLN)
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Laryngeal electromyography: clinical application – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19111439/

Pediatric laryngeal electromyography – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22472235/

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