Arteries of Head and Neck
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Arteries of Head and Neck
Right Side:
- Aorta
- Brachiocephalic
- Common carotid…
- Subclavian…
- Brachiocephalic
Left Side:
- Aorta
- Common Carotid
- Internal Carotid (at terminus, contributes to Circle of Willis)
- Common Carotid
- Caroticotympanic branch [Internal carotid- External carotid anastomoses] (connects w/ anterior tympanic):
- Ophthalmic
- Central artery of retina (most important)
- Lacrimal
- Supratrochlear [Internal carotid- External carotid anastomoses]
- Supraorbital [Internal carotid- External carotid anastomoses]
- Posterior ethmoid
- Anterior ethmoid
- Long posterior ciliary
- Short posterior ciliary
- Medial palpebral
- Muscular branches
- Dorsal nasal
- Middle cerebral
- Posterior communicating [Carotid-Vertebral anastomoses]
- Anterior cerebral (contributes to Circle of Willis)
- Anterior communicating [Right-Left anastomoses] (contributes to Circle of Willis)
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