Haart HIV And Aids in ENT

Last modified: May 30, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 min

DNB ENT Theory Question – What is HAART HIV? Classify the drugs used in treatment  of HIV.  What are their merits and demerits? Ear, Nose, Throat manifestation of Haemato-Oncological disorders and HIV. What are the Head and Neck manifestations of AIDS in ENT? (10) Dec 2014 (2+4+4) Dec 2015June 2018Dec 2018

Staging of HIV and Aids

Staging of  hiv and aids
Staging of hiv and aids


Common Manifestations of HIV in Head and Neck.

Common Manifestations of HIV in Head and Neck.
Common Manifestations of HIV in Head and Neck.

The use of multiple drugs that act on different viral targets is known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

Principles of therapy –

• Specific combination of drug to be used.
• 3 drugs( never 2 or 1 drug because of resistance)
• Once therapy is started it must be continued.
• Adherence is critically important.
• When patient skips the doses
? Viral resistance develops
? CD4 count falls
? Increased risk of disease progression.

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