Head and Neck Dissection
- 1. History of Head and Neck Dissection
- 2. Head and Neck Dissection - Classification​1,2​
- 3. The TEN commandments For Neck Dissections​2​
- 4. Radical Neck Dissection
- 5. Indications for RND:
- 6. Position
- 7. Neck incisions
- 8. Neck incisions :
- 9. MacFee Incision​1,3​
- 10. Criles incision/ Y Incision
- 11. Schobinger Incision
- 12. Conley Incision
- 13. Martins incision/ Double Y incision
- 14. Double-Y Incision/ Slaughter incision
- 15. Gluck incision
- 16. Half Apron Incision/ Hockey stick incision
- 17. Method of Flap Elevation
- 18. Golden Points -Lower end of IJV
- 19. Golden Points- Junction of Clavicle and anterior border of Trapezius
- 20. Posterior triangle dissection :
- 21. Golden point - Upper end of IJV
- 22. Golden Points- Submandibular Triangle
- 23. Completion of Head and Neck Dissection
- 24. Orientating specimen for Pathological Examination
- 25. Post of Care :
- 26. Modified Radical Neck Dissection (MRND) :
- 27. MRND Type I :
- 28. MRND Type II :
- 29. MRND Type III :
- 30. Selective Neck Dissections :
- 31. SND: Supraomohyoid type :
- 32. Extended Neck Dissection :
History of Head and Neck Dissection
1888- Jawdynski – first to describe RND.
Jawdynski- polish surgeon was 1st to describe LN dissection procedure later known as RND but his publication went unnoticed due to his native language. He Also ligated carotid artery due to mass tumour invasion
1906- george washington crile – gave systematic enbloc dissection of LN in Head and neck carcinoma. He was first to give the detail description in english language
1951- hayes martin from memorial hospital newyork popularised the rnd with a stepwise description of the technique
1963-Osvaldo suarez described FND in spanish so went unnoticed. He demonstrated LN to be within well defined fascial compartments and therefore introduced possiblity of performing cervical LN dissection while preserving certain structures.
1967 – Bocca and Suarez– published article in English on technique of “functional neck dissection” (FND).
1989, 1991 and 1994 – Medina, Robbins, and Byers respectively proposed classifications of neck dissections.
Head and Neck Dissection – Classification​1,2​
Academy’s classification
- 1) Radical neck dissection (RND).
- 2) Modified radical neck dissection (MRND).
- 3) Selective neck dissection (SND).
- • Supra-omohyoid type.
- • Lateral type.
- • Posterolateral type.
- • Anterior compartment type.
- 4) Extended radical neck dissection.
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