Larynx DNB ENT QUESTIONS – 2010-2019
DNB ENT Theory and OSCE Questions related to Larynx, Ca Larynx, Stridor, Laryngectomy, Vocal cord, Laryngeal Cleft, Subglottic Stenosis, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Laryngoscopy, Stroboscopy, laryngeal nerve paralysis, Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Laryngeal trauma and Aspiration LARYNX DNB ENT QUESTIONS.

1 – Discuss the indications, outline surgical procedure and complications of near total laryngectomy. Discuss Voice Rehabilitation therapy after Laryngectomy. Surgical technique and complications of TEP. Principles and various types of conservation surgery of larynx for laryngeal carcinoma. Staging and management of laryngeal malignancy. (4+3+3) June 2014, June 2013, (3+4+3) Dec 2013, June 2018, Dec 2019
2 – Classify subglottic stenosis. Briefly discuss the evaluation protocol and surgical management of a case of congenital subglottic stenosis. Q- Discuss briefly anterior cricoid split, cricotracheal resection and laryngotracheal reconstruction in subglottic stenosis.June 2012, (2+4+4) Dec 2013, June 2018, Dec 2019
3 – Enumerate the materials used for Medialisation of vocal cords by injection technique . Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these materials. (4+3+3) Dec 2013
4 – What is tracheo-esophageal fistula? How do you classify it? What will be the manifestation in a child with this condition? (4+3+3) Dec 2014
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