Natboard Updates on DNB ENT OSCE Exam 2020

Last modified: February 10, 2021
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(Kind attention to all DNB applicants of DNB Practical Exam, December 2019 session)

Subject: Conduct of DNB Practical Examination, December 2019 session

In view of COVID-19 pandemic, NBE announces the conduct of the DNB Final Practical Examination of December 2019 session in a New Revised Format for DNB candidates in the first phase in all those specialties
which are feeder qualifications for the NEET SS Examination and Fellowship Entrance Test.

Candidates may note that a new revised scheme of examination for DNB Final Practical Examination shall be
followed in the major clinical specialties as mentioned in the accompanying Annexure to the present notice.
In this new revised scheme, the examination shall be conducted over a period of two days for all the candidates
in the following manner:

Day 1 will consist of Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) (200 marks) and Viva voce (40 marks). A total of up to 20 candidates shall be examined on both the days, maintaining all the social distancing norms and other safety precautions as per directions of the Central/State Governments
from time to time.

There will be a total of 25 OSCE stations (total 200 marks) of 5 minutes’ duration per station and having 8 marks. The OSCE stations will be so designed to cover as much as possible the entire spectrum of
the training curriculum of that specialty, and to assess the core competencies, knowledge, clinical reasoning skills, ethical values & attitude and professional clinical judgment.

All the 25 OSCE stations will be VIRTUALLY run uniformly and simultaneously from the NBE Command Centre using a secure and reliable video conferencing platform. NBE Command Centre will monitor
and assist the conduct of the Practical exam at all the centres. Assessment of the OSCE answer sheets will be done at NBE by the respective subject matter experts.

Day 2 will consist of two clinical cases of 30 marks each with preferably one case comprising of a real patient. In case of non-availability of real cases, one or both cases may be simulated patients.

Candidate must obtain a minimum of 50% marks separately in both the OSCE component (100 marks out of 200) as well as viva voce and clinical case examination (50 marks out of 100) to qualify for the Practical exam
in the revised format.

Practical Examination of all such DNB candidates who opt out of this revised scheme of Examination shall be held in the conventional manner at a later date when circumstances so permit.

However, all such DNB candidates who opt out from this revised scheme of Examination will not be eligible for the NEET SS 2020 which is likely to be held in September 2020. Such DNB candidates shall be able to exercise their choice for opting out of this new revised scheme, if they desire to do so, through login into their account at “Online Exit Examination Portal (OEEP)”

Natboard Updates on DNB ENT OSCE Exam 2020 1
Natboard Updates on DNB ENT OSCE – Practical Exams 2020
Natboard Updates on DNB ENT OSCE Exam 2020 3
Natboard Updates on DNB ENT OSCE – Practical Exams 2020

So, NBE is giving us two options, One is Virtual OSCE Exam and other is traditional exam. With a twist that those who are willing for traditional exams will not be eligible for NEET SS 2020.

12th June 2020 Natboard Link

Recent DNB ENT OSCE Updates

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