What is Thyroid Storm

Last modified: May 30, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 min

Thyroid Storm is a rare, life-threatening condition of thyrotoxicosis, often precipitated by an acute event such as thyroid or nonthyroidal surgery, trauma, infection, an acute iodine load, or parturition.

The advent of appropriate preoperative preparation of patients undergoing thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism has led to a dramatic reduction in the prevalence of surgically-induced thyroid storm.

What is “thyroid storm “? Discuss in brief the aetiopathogenesis , clinical features and management of “thyroid storm”. Add a brief note on prevention of “thyroid storm”. (2+2+2+2+2) Dec 2015

Total T4 and T3 levels might be similar to those seen in uncomplicated patients, the free T4 and free T3 concentrations were higher in patients with thyroid storm.



Based upon clinical findings. Patients with severe and life-threatening have an exaggeration of the usual symptoms of hyperthyroidism.


– Tachycardia to rates that can exceed 140 beats/minute
– Congestive heart failure
– Hypotension
– Cardiac arrhythmia
– Hyperpyrexia to 104 to 106ºF is common
– Agitation, anxiety, delirium, psychosis, stupor or coma are also common and are considered by many to be essential to the diagnosis
–– Severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or hepatic failure with jaundice can also occur.

Note – No universally accepted criteria or validated clinical tools for diagnosing thyroid storm

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