What is Video Laryngeal Stroboscopy – 2013, 2015, 2018
Describe briefly video laryngeal stroboscopy and patterns of wave motion and its uses. a) Describe the principle of Video laryngo stroboscopy. b) Interpretation of key features of video stroboscopy images. (5+3+2) June 2013. Dec 2015 June 2018
• Allows evaluation of mucosal waves of vocal folds
. Its a new method used to visualize vocal fold vibration.
• Uses synchronized, flashing light passed via flexible or rigid telescope.
• Flashes of light are synchronized to vocal fold vibration at slightly slower speed, allowing examiner to observe it during sound production in slow motion.
• Provides useful, real-time information concerning nature of vibration, image to detect vocal pathology, and permanent video record of examination
• Improves sensitivity of subtle laryngeal disorders that is essential for planning effective phono-microsurgery.
1 – Not useful in differentiating functional from organic voice disorders
2 – Not useful in evaluating neoplastic lesions that involve anterior commissure, vocal processes, or
posterior larynx
Indications –
- Differentiate intracordal cysts from vocal nodules.
- Evaluate for vocal fold fibrosis/scarring (adynamic segments after trauma, surgery, or inflammatory disease).
- Demonstrate recovery of vocal fold function after vocal fold surgery or phonosurgery.
- Determine functional significance of vocal fold vascular lesions.
- Evaluate thickness of some free edge neoplastic lesions.

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