
  • Feb- 2020 -
    18 February

    How will you eliminate Bias in Clinical Trials – DNB Theory

    METHODS TO ELIMINATE BIAS IN CLINICAL TRIALS: RandomizationAllocation ConcealmentBlinding (Masking) Bias:​1,2​ Bias may be defined as a systematic error, or “difference between the true value and that actually obtained due to all causes other than sampling variability.” Bias “kills” the scientific value of the study bias To read full content,…

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  • 18 February

    What is Cohort Study- DNB ENT Theory Question

    Cohort Study Observational/Analytical studyObtain evidence to support or refute existence of association between a cause and diseaseUsually Prospective study/ Longitudinal study/ “Forward looking study”Follow up at different time points, while actively looking for the outcomeCause to effectEg.: Role of exposure to dyes in development of Bladder cancer Points Cohorts identified…

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  • 18 February

    What is Case Control Study – ENT Theory Question

    Case Control Study is a study that compares patients who have a disease (cases) with patients who do not have the disease (controls), and looks back retrospectively to compare how frequently the exposure to a risk factor is present in each group to determine the relationship between the risk factor…

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