hebra nose
- Apr- 2020 -26 April
What is Rhinoscleroma or Hebra NOSE
Rhinoscleroma is also known as WOODY NOSE or Hebra Nose or Balkan leprosyRHINOSCLEROMAFirst described by Hebrew.Termed by Von hebra.Chronic granulomatous disease of nose.Causative agents of Hebra Nose Kliebseilla Rhinoscleromatis(Firsch bacilli –gram negative diplococci).Sites of infectionNasal cavity:- Inferior turbinate> middle turbinate> anterior wall of nasal septum.Nasopharynx.Oropharynx.Larynx:- subglottic> glottis.Trachea(cervical).BronchusRHINOSCLEROMA of noseTo read…
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