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What is Rhinoscleroma or Hebra NOSE
Rhinoscleroma is also known as WOODY NOSE or Hebra Nose or Balkan leprosy

- First described by Hebrew.
- Termed by Von hebra.
- Chronic granulomatous disease of nose.
Causative agents of Hebra Nose
Kliebseilla Rhinoscleromatis(Firsch bacilli –gram negative diplococci).
Sites of infection
- Nasal cavity:- Inferior turbinate> middle turbinate> anterior wall of nasal septum.
- Nasopharynx.
- Oropharynx.
- Larynx:- subglottic> glottis.
- Trachea(cervical).
- Bronchus

Stages of Disease
- Catarrhal stage:- mucopurulent, foul smelling discharge,occasionally blood tinged – CARPENTER’ S GLUE.
- Atrophic stage:- mucosal atrophy, crustations, pinkish mucosa, Honeycomb color crusting. Diagnosed by Immune Compliment fixation test- Levin test.
- Grannulomatous stage/ nodular:- painless ,non tender,small granulomatous nodules,non ulcerating nodules:-Russel bodies, Mikulicz cells.
- Cicatarisation/ sclerotic/fibrosis/stenosis stage:- Typical histological picture is granulomatous changes in submucosa- TAPIR Nose.
RHINOSCLEROMA Histopathology
1-Diffuse granulomatous inflammation
2-Vacuolated macrophages with bacilli (Mikulicz cells)
3-Gram negative bacteria by gram stain (in the follwing figure)

Rhinoscleroma OSCE Slides

Signs and symptoms
Nasal discharge, epistaxis, nasal obstruction, anosmia,hoarseness of voice,middle ear problems, narrow nasal cavity.
Asthetic deformity:- Alar cartilages,tip of the nose.
- Tracheal stenosis.
- Cicatrization of oropharyngeal structure.
Pathological Findings
- Mikulicz cells– large foamy vacuolated histocytes.
- MOTT /UNN BODY/MORULA CELL/CORIN CELL– Active accumulation of RUSSEL BODIES.( plasma cells)
- Cultures:- not diagnostic .sample taken from nodules/ secreations.
- Biopsy and Histopathological- Definative diagnostic.
- X –ray:- nose,pns,necksofttissue,chest(bronchus,trachea),Ear(eustachain tube).
Gothic sign
Fibrosis of pharyngeal walls resembles church.
V sign
on palatal region.
- Indirect laryngoscopy:- atrophy of larynx, subglottic stenosis.
- Medical management:-Aminoglycosides(streoptomycin),Tetracyclines,Cephalosporines,Septran,Rifampicin(1%),Arciflavin(2%),Chlormycetin
- Kaliasha Regime:- Carbolic acid+ glacial acetic acid + glycerine.
- Lasers.
- Radiations:- 3000-3500 cGy.
- Cryosurgery.
- Electrocautery.
- Dilation and Tracheotomy.
- Plastic reconstruction :- flaps, rhinoplasty considered only in stage 2,3 of disease once patient declared free of active disease by atleast 3 consecutive biopsies negative for disease.
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