
DNB ENT Theory and OSCE Questions Related to Nose, PNS, Pituitary, FESS and Skull Base from 2011 to 2019.

  • May- 2020 -
    20 May

    Nasal Foreign Body

    To read full content, please consider buying the membershipView PlansAvailable PlansPlus Plan₹1,499.00Read Premium content -Valid for 12 months -Access to Exclusive WebinarsPro Plan₹799.00Read Premium content -Valid for 6 months -Access to Exclusive WebinarsNextPrevious * Username * First Name * Last Name * Your College* Your SpecialityYour SpecialityENTOpthaHisto * Your Speciality…

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  • 20 May

    Complications of Sinusitis

    A complication of rhino-sinusitis may be defined as any adverse progression of chronic  or acute bacterial infection beyond the paranasal sinuses, or compromise in function of  any part of the body due  to local or distant effects of the condition.WHAT IS SINUSITIS? Rhinosinusitis: any inflammation of the nose and sinus…

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  • 6 May
    DNB ENT 2015 Theory Questions
    Pterygopalatine fossa

    Surgical anatomy of pterygopalatine fossa

    Pterygopalatine fossa is a small space between the posterior surface of the Maxilla and the Pterygoid process of the Sphenoid bone. Its an inverted ‘tear-drop’ shaped space between bones on the lateral side of the skull immediately posterior to the maxilla. It is wider superiorly, becomes narrowed inferiorly, and ends…

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  • 3 May
    Covid 19 and ENT

    Surgical PRIORITIZATION Due To Covid

    Due to high chances of aerosol generation certain procedures in ent can be differed, Below is a list of Surgical Prioritization for ENT. Surgical Prioritization for ENT.Surgical Prioritization – Priority 1aEmergency procedures to be performed in <24 hours.Airway obstruction – Cancer / Foreign body / SepsisNeck trauma with vascular /…

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  • 1 May

    Cadaveric Dissection Videos of Nose and PNS

    Following are Selected Cadaveric Dissection Videos which will help us understand the Anatomy of Nose and PNS. Videos of – Prof. D.S Sethi, Dr Renuka Bradoo, Prof Stammberger (3 videos) and Dr Deendayal.To read full content, please consider buying the membershipView PlansAvailable PlansPlus Plan₹1,499.00Read Premium content -Valid for 12 months…

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  • Apr- 2020 -
    26 April

    What is Rhinoscleroma or Hebra NOSE

    Rhinoscleroma is also known as WOODY NOSE or Hebra Nose or Balkan leprosyRHINOSCLEROMAFirst described by Hebrew.Termed by Von hebra.Chronic granulomatous  disease  of nose.Causative agents of Hebra Nose Kliebseilla Rhinoscleromatis(Firsch bacilli –gram negative diplococci).Sites of infectionNasal cavity:- Inferior turbinate> middle turbinate> anterior wall of nasal septum.Nasopharynx.Oropharynx.Larynx:- subglottic> glottis.Trachea(cervical).BronchusRHINOSCLEROMA of noseTo read…

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  • 26 April

    Anatomy of Lateral wall of Nose

    Lateral wall of nose is formed by Ethmoid Bone: Superior Turbinate. Middle Turbinate. Uncinate Process.Inferior Turbinate BoneMaxilla: Frontal Process.Palatine Bone: Perpendicular plate.Lacrimal Bone.Nasal Bones.Lateral wall of noseLateral wall of nose in CadaverLATERAL WALL OF NOSE contains three meatus underneath three turbinates: Turbinates are bony projections covered by Erectile mucosa serves…

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  • 21 April

    Universal Precautions

    Due to Coronavirus or Covid 19 spread, the chances of question on universal precautions is very high. Especially in DNB ENT OSCE Viva station or as Short question in DNB ENT Theory. Prepare this question throughly. DefinitionCenter for disease control in Atlanta gave the universal precautions in 1987 to minimize…

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  • 11 April

    Inverted papilloma -case Report

    Inverted papilloma is a benign, epithelial neoplasm originating from the Schneiderian membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses

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  • Mar- 2020 -
    31 March

    Haart HIV And Aids in ENT

    DNB ENT Theory Question – What is HAART HIV? Classify the drugs used in treatment  of HIV.  What are their merits and demerits? Ear, Nose, Throat manifestation of Haemato-Oncological disorders and HIV. What are the Head and Neck manifestations of AIDS in ENT? (10) Dec 2014 (2+4+4) Dec 2015, June 2018, Dec 2018 Staging of HIV and…

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